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Picasso, Pablo
born 1881 in E - Malaga, died 1973 in F - Mougins
poster of the exhibition Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna Roma
motive: head of a dancing woman - during the peace
colour offset on very thin, woody (post war-) paper
100 cm x 70 cm
print: centro grafico
editor: S.A.G.R.A. Roma
any slight spots, any slight traces of store and age, any small tears at the borders, borders slight brown, but for the sensitive paper generally in unused, good condition (see additional pictures)
order no. 11707
The exhibition's curator Lionelli Venturi wrotes in the catalogue, that there are many unknown works,
"supported by the fact that Picasso personally choiced the works showed in the exhibition" (...accentuato dal fatto che Picasso in persona ha scelto le opere da inviare). (p.11)
Venturi wrotes about the artwork and the motif of the poster "that at first sight it's clear that the ' Peace' is a masterwork (...) Perhaps never a idyl has been created so various and so constant, so sensitive in colours and and so pure in formes." (...che un primo sguardo riceve è che la 'Pace' é un capolavoro (...) Forse non è mai stato creato nel mondo della fantasia un idillio cosí vario e cosí costante, cosí delicato nei colori, cosí puro nelle forme, come 'Pace'.) (p.30)
Venturi admired the 'Peace', and this is the reason that a detail from the 'Peace' became the motif of the exhibition poster.
Wichmann/Hufnagl notice concerning the poster's motif:
"Using a study (ink) from 23.9.1952 to the big painting 'The Peace' (oil on wood), that together with his opposite "The War" has been formed for the chapel in Vallauris." (p.125)
The painting is today in Vallauris, in the Musée National Picasso, La Guerre et La Paix. The dancing woman is part of the peace.
Rodrigo writes concerning the rarity of this poster:
"This poster is very difficult to find." (no.21)
catalogue raisonné et al.:
Venturi, Lionello (ed.) : Mostra di Pablo Picasso. Catalogo ufficiale, De Luca Editore Roma 1953, no. 134
Czwiklitzer, Christoph, Werkverzeichnis der Picasso Plakate. Paris 1970, 69
Czwiklitzer, Christoph, Pablo Picasso. Plakate 1923-1973, Werkverzeichnis München 1981 (dtv), 80
Rodrigo, Luis Carlos, Picasso in his posters - image and work, 4 vol. Berlin 1971-76, 21
Wichmann, Hans and Florian Hufnagl, Künstlerplakate - Frankreich / USA. Zweite Hälfte 20.Jahrhundert, Basel u.a. 1991, p.125
Friedrich, Julia (ed.): Picasso Shared and Divided. The Artist and His Image in East and West Germany, Cologne 2021, p. 58 (with pictures of the the exhibition in Palazzo Reale Milano) and p. 59 ff. (with pictures today in Vallauris)