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Anonym - 1933 - Minotaure no.3-4

650,00 EUR
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Product no.: 26613

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poster to Minotaure, Revue Artistique et Littèraire, no.3-4, 1933,

founded by Albert Skira and E. Tériade


black and white offset

49 cm x 33 cm

front and back printed (see additional pictures)

was folded, slight traces of fold, small tears restored, small damages at the corners, slight creases, regarding the age generally in good condition


order no. 26613




The poster contains a summary /Sommaire of the issue no.3-4 (cover designed by André Derain) :

"L'age de la lumière" and "Portraits de femmes" by Man Ray, "Le message automatique" by André Breton, 'Emancipation de la peinture" by E. Téraide about Braque, Dali, Derain, Matisse, Miró, Picasso, "Les plus belles cartes postales" by Paulo Éluard, with a picture of the cover of no.1 of Minotaure designed by Picasso etc. (see additional pictures)


     The pictures of the poster, for example by Braque for "Émancipation de la Peinture" or by Brancusi for "Dieu - Table - Cuvette" or the photos for "Le Message automatique" or "Les plus belles cartes postales" can't be found in the issue - except the Brassai-photo for "De la Beauté terrifiante...",

that means the choice of the pictures and the design make the poster more than to a pure summary !






Anonym - 1933 - Minotaure no.3-4
Anonym - 1933 - Minotaure no.3-4
Anonym - 1933 - Minotaure no.3-4